Author: admin

  • Informants on the stand

    The first of several informants who posed as South American terrorists in the sting operation against Viktor Bout began testifying in his trial. Using his first name, Carlos, the informant posed as a leader of the FARC narco-terror organization and pretended to seek weapons from the Russian businessman. The witness acknowledged he has earned more than $1.6 million working for the DEA and that he also had once been in the narcotics trade.

    AFP, “Recordings of those conversations were played in court, as well as a portion in which Bout expressed hatred for the United States and support for the leftist FARC fighters.”

    Courthouse News Service, “An informant for the Drug Enforcement Agency on Tuesday described his journey from Guatemalan soldier to Mexican prisoner to one of the U.S. agents who snared Viktor Bout in an arms deal with phony Columbian guerrillas at a hotel in Thailand.”